
Where is the date code on louis vuitton neverfull nm mono
Where is the date code on louis vuitton neverfull nm mono

where is the date code on louis vuitton neverfull nm mono

A number like “VI1025” represents a factory in France, and December 2005 is the production year. The first two letters indicated the location of the production factory, the 1st and 3rd numbers stood for the month while the 2nd and 4th numbers indicated the year of production.

  • 1990 – 2006: this period witnessed two letters followed by four numerals.
  • In the late 1980s, the letters indicating the country where production took place were placed before the numbers indicating the manufacturing date. A number like “8511VX” shows November 1985 as the production date while the letter VX indicates a factory in France. Here, the first two numbers represent the Year of production, the next one or two numbers stand for the month while the last two letters stand for the country where production took place (take a look at the right sidebar for the factory location codes).
  • The early to late 1980s: during this period, LV Date Codes have three to four numbers and two letters.
  • Take a number like “818” for instance it says manufactured in August 1981. The first two numbers stand for the year while the last number stands for the month.
  • The first part of the 1980s: You’d find three to four numbers in bags made during this period.
  • You won’t also find these codes in the vintage bags made by the French company.
  • All bags produced before 1980: All Louis Vuitton bags made before 1980 do not have date codes.
  • You can follow the format of the code to discover your bag’s age! Some LV bags have no Date codes The letters indicate the country where the product was made while the numbers show the date and year of production.

    #Where is the date code on louis vuitton neverfull nm mono serial number#

    A Louis Vuitton Date Code is not as unique as a Chanel bag’s serial number and shouldn’t even be considered a serial number in the first place.ĭate codes are usually a combination of characters and letters. Louis Vuitton combines letters and numbers that form a date code which helps customers learn where and when a product was made. Our LV date code checker will help you ascertain the authenticity of your LV purse date code.

    where is the date code on louis vuitton neverfull nm mono where is the date code on louis vuitton neverfull nm mono

    This number also cannot be viewed as a serial number either.ĭate codes serve as a very important authentication step when you want to acquire a pre-loved LV bag. This number is not unique like the one found in Chanel bags because Louis Vuitton could produce multiple items on the same date. To show when and where a particular LV product was made, Louis Vuitton includes a date code bearing a combination of letters and numbers in the bags.

    Where is the date code on louis vuitton neverfull nm mono